Henry Tango Name: Henry Tango
NickName: Tango
Race: Spanish/German
Sex: Male
Age: 20 yrs
Height: 5'7.5"
Weight: 201 lb
Hair Color: Strawberry Blond
Eye Color: BLIND (Dusana Bonded)
Sexuality: Bi?
Date of Birth: May 2
Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York
Position: Student (Bonded Program)
Occupation: History Student, Fast food service
Interests: Music
Companion: Buttercup (Butters, Dalmatian), Apocalypta (Dusana)
Psychology and perception: May rely on others to make decisions and Bright
Self-discipline: Easily bored and Unaware of their own needs
Lifestyle: Fussy, Requires time alone, Organised
Social attitude: Excellent people skills
Honesty and honour: Selfless and Gracious
Emotional capacity: Feels guilty easily and Sensitive
Current emotional state: Strong
RP Status RP: OPEN
Relationship: Single
Status: OPEN
Career Rider Discipline: ~
Character Notes Tango was born blind, but it has never stopped him. While one may not characterize Tango as a "go getter", he definitely isn't hindered by his lack of sight. Especially after he bonded with Apocalypta, because the most amazing thing happens every time he touches her: he can see. He sees through her eyes and sees what she sees. That's why he can easily ride by himself; Coco sees for the both of them. She is the most precious thing in his life.
Tango grew up in a sketchy part of Brooklyn to a loving mother and father. Even then, school and family life was hard. Music is what really helped keep Tango in one piece. He has an affinity with it, and can learn almost any instrument in a matter of hours. He's most proficient with his electric guitar. He likes DJing when he can, and is an avid band follower - one of his favorites being Saturn and the Broken Strings . He particularly likes classic rock, but he appreciates all good music. He can usually be seen moving to some beat in his head and thumping it on every surface with his fingers.
An odd thing happens when he hears music, and it's one of the many things that makes it so special to him: certain notes allow him to see colors, a condition called chromesthesia . A good piece of music is art to him in every way.
Tango is someone who needs to keep his mind engaged. He can get easily bored when he's not doing anything. He's very sensitive to other people's feelings and is a genuinely pleasant person to be with - even if he can be a bit OCD about certain things.
Has a half sister Jolene
Original Character © badazal
Buttercup design (c) Fontana-Roccia
Adapted Template (c) sealle