AriCaFoixWhat was left of him...

#blackandwhite #bn #bw #capucha #chile #cops #day #demonstration #encapuchado #hooded #march #marcha #may #pacos #policía #police #protest #protesta #riot #santiago #trabajadores #violence #violencia #workers #carabineros #clashes #manifestación #enfrentamientos
Published: 2014-05-02 03:10:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 13534; Favourites: 500; Downloads: 53
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Description [1 de mayo, 2014. Santiago, Chile]

SPA: Una vez más, miles de personas se reunieron por el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. En la Plaza Brasil, apartados del acto central, se realizaba otra convocatoria. En un momento, unos pocos carabineros intentaron cruzar entre la multitud de manifestantes para atrapar a una persona, pero les salió totalmente mal. El carabinero de la foto atrapó a un joven, se le escapó y luego fue rodeado y golpeado por la multitud, mientras el resto de los carabineros escapó como pudo.

ENG: One more time, thousands of people gathered for the International Worker's Day rally (or May Day). In Brasil Square, away from the main event, another rally was made. At one point, a few policemen attempted to cross into the crowd of demonstrators to catch a person, but it came out all wrong. The photo policeman caught a young man, he escaped and then he was surrounded and beaten by the crowd, while the other policemen escaped as they could.
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Comments: 54

theunknownemo [2016-07-22 13:43:46 +0000 UTC]

he gat off oke?

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AriCaFoix In reply to theunknownemo [2016-07-22 23:52:55 +0000 UTC]

With some injuries and maybe with a few broken teeth, but alive.

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theunknownemo In reply to AriCaFoix [2016-07-27 17:28:02 +0000 UTC]

thats good poor guy

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dinamykdi [2014-06-14 18:42:36 +0000 UTC]


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batmantoo [2014-05-23 14:24:21 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations Ariel on your well deserved DD!

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Naivara [2014-05-23 04:34:30 +0000 UTC]

No falta el revolucionario que escribe cosas contra el sistema desde su celular o en casa, hablando de oligarcas y cosas así. Si tanto le molesta el sistema, eduquese, corrijase, y tal vez el día de mañana aporte su grano de arena con el mundo (por que no necesita llegar a la gerencia para cambiar el mundo, como bien decía Gandalf, los actos de la gente común son más fuertes).

La fotografía si bien muy lamentable situación, creo refleja perfectamente ya cada marcha, desde siempre. Sinceramente, a mi jamás me a tocado encontrarme con "un paco qlio" he tenido la suerte de que siempre han sido bastante decentes, y me da pena y rabia quienes los ponen como animales, por favor, les guste o no un país necesita algun tipo de orden, y es de la Era antigua eso. Es un trabajo más, ellos tienen familia igual que todos que esperan verlos regresar a casa.  Este carabinero tuvo la mala suerte que un monton de cobardes (creo que fueron unos 20) lo atacaran, y la saco barata (todavia me acuerdo de las imagenes del carabinero al cual le pegaron con una skate).   Me da mucha pena verlo ahi tendido, abatido, rodeado de incertidumbre.   Destaco a los que ayudaron al carabinero a salir del lugar. Ese carabinero les debe la vida.

a todos esos revolucionarios al peo, pudranse y hagan un aporte, estoy segura que en sus vidas les han trabajado un día a alguien XD 

También siempre me he preguntado, no pretendo ofender, cuando un fotografo ve actos de violencia semejantes, y logra captar la imagen, que pasa por su cabeza cuando termino la pega?  se de muchos casos que toman la foto (incluso han pagado con su vida) y luego ayudan. Pero, no sé, como lo hacen? XD

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AriCaFoix In reply to Naivara [2014-05-23 13:08:37 +0000 UTC]

Hola Navaira, gracias por pasar y comentar. Encuentro que tienes razón en muchas cosas, desde el 2011 cuantas veces he visto cuando van a las marchas algunos y se toman fotos con los vehículos policiales o posan junto a las barricadas (no hablo de encapuchados, gente que va directamente y se pone para un autorretrato), no lo entiendo muchas veces, pero bueno, quizá son cosas de facebook.

Pucha, a pesar de que uno tomando fotos debería estar "en tierra de nadie" o en medio de "los dos bandos" (si es que lo simplificamos a dos), en la práctica verás que si estás entre o atrás de los pacos tomando fotos hacia la gente, simplemente te van a hacer pebre a piedrazos, tacharte de sapo y bueno, tomar fotos será horrible. Por lo que muchas veces verás que los fotógrafos o prensa están entre los manifestantes. A pesar de eso, comparto esa sensación que dices cuando termina todo y te preguntas qué se consiguió con todo esto. Es claro que siempre al final de las marchas queda la escoba y pucha, simplemente hay momentos en los que lo que está pasando es demasiado grande y te rodea, no te puedes concentrar en todo. Como le explicaba a otra persona más arriba (en inglés), yo siempre trato de ayudar cuando puedo, llevo amoniaco y bicarbonato de sodio y muchas veces prefiero dejar de tomar fotos (y haberme perdido varias "buenas") por sacar a alguien de la nube de gas.

Ya va partiendo mi 4º año tomando fotos en estas situaciones y durante todo eso, no fueron pocas las veces en que la gente me dijo cosas así: "loco, deja de tomar fotos" "no están haciendo nada" y otros "amigo, tu toma fotos no más" "oye, tu estás haciendo tu trabajo, es importante que lo hagas" "¡tómale fotos a esto, para que la gente lo vea!". Hay caleta de situaciones muy extrañas, o sea, uno no deja de ser alguien que siente o que le da lo mismo la otra persona, y tienes que balancear el poder seguir tomando fotos a lo que ocurre y en lo posible, ayudar, por poco que sea. 

Espero haber ayudado con la respuesta

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JestePhotography [2014-05-23 04:25:32 +0000 UTC]

This is photojournalism at its FINEST.  A dying breed, the media today is bought lock stock and barrel.  Pravda everywhere is the watered down version of the truth in journalism today.  You remind me of the brave photojournalists that covered ww2 and Vietnam.   You are brave and there needs to be more photojournalists like you elevating the craft to what it once was.   Now mostly all we have is paparazzi snapping shots of Lindsay Lowhan's skirt or the Khardashians..
Good for you keep up the good work.

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mangoluversunite [2014-05-23 01:24:33 +0000 UTC]

What is going on in here?

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AriCaFoix In reply to mangoluversunite [2014-05-23 02:30:04 +0000 UTC]

read the description

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goldpiece [2014-05-22 10:25:06 +0000 UTC]

Great and sad simultaneously! Thats why I love photography. So much story in one photo.

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Joct [2014-05-22 04:11:03 +0000 UTC]

"He lay there like a slug, it was his only defense."

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Monkeyman13 In reply to Joct [2014-05-22 14:16:31 +0000 UTC]


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TheGalleryOfEve [2014-05-22 03:07:13 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations on your well-deserved DD!!!
I’m very happy for you!!!

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DindellaTheDefender [2014-05-22 00:11:05 +0000 UTC]

I like the photo. I really do, it's raw, it's emotional, and it's now in my favorites. . . but I can't help but feel kind of angry and upset. If this is based on a real event, something that really went on and not just something created to take a photo of and express something, why didn't you try to help him? I know that's a big question. A lot of angry protesters attacking a man, a policeman, that's a huge, scary thing. But to stand by and watch and just think "Man, what a great photo this would be." still boils me.

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AriCaFoix In reply to DindellaTheDefender [2014-05-22 01:29:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for commenting. I'll try to answer to you...

First, the scene was real (and if you really want to see how it ended, there is a video on YouTube: youtu.be/Zg6BQJksdEY)
And well, when I'm taking photos... it's just a strange feeling, sometimes there's violence everywhere and it's hard to focus on everything, I have to balance mainly two things: to capture what's going on the best way I can and to stay safe (myself and the camera, some people likes to steal on the marches), I don't use a helmet, nor other protective gear. I often (very often) put the camera away to help to the people, I carry some ammonia and sodium bicarbonate, I have lost many photos trying to help those amid the tear gas or things like that, I don't care, if I have the chance, however little, to help, I do. Yeah, there are many situations that are just irrational and you say "hey! this can't be! stop the fighting! why this is happening?" but when you're exceeded by that, you just can't do much to help. 

Also, if you see it like if the demonstrations have "two sides" (the demonstrators and the police), there's clearly a difference when you think about who is more likely to be rescued. When a policeman is injured, three ambulances arrive in no time. When a demonstrator is unconscious and bleeding, there's no help, no ambulances... 

I'm not trying to say that he deserved it nor that I don't care about it, I hate the moment when everything ends and I think about how much violence and injured people (of both "sides") I saw.
If I see something that is real, something people should see, I take the photo and if I can do something to help, I do. I don't want to become a... umm... "I just take photos, I don't care about this people, and if there's violence and people suffering, great, that will be an excellent photo", I don't know if you get when I'm trying to explain u.u

I hope that my English helps to make this understandable

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RandomSkulldozer In reply to AriCaFoix [2016-02-12 18:26:43 +0000 UTC]

I know I'm late (and maybe a bit stupid) but what do you use ammonia and sodium bicarbonate for?

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AriCaFoix In reply to RandomSkulldozer [2016-02-12 21:23:19 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, it's never too late for questions here Both liquids are used to relieve and neutralize tear gas effects.

I usually carry a small Eppendorf tube with ammonia, in the middle of a tear gas inferno you can inhale just A LITTLE BIT of its vapor, it helps to relieve the acid reaction burning on your nostrils and throat. It must be a little inhale because ammonia vapors are toxic in high amounts (this is why some cleaning chemicals that use ammonia must be used in ventilated areas), so a little bit can help you, but too many will cause injuries too.
I also use a small bottle with a quite saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate, which you can spray over the face, eyes or wash your mouth with it when the tear gas is reacting with the water in those areas. It really helps to relieve the burning, usually at some point in protests everybody around is blind and helpless, this is when I stop taking photos and try to wash some eyes (a little sometimes I take a photo first, but always try to help ). Some people carry sodium bicarbonate powder, it is used the same way, you can cover the face a little or put some in your mouth and then spit it. 

NEVER use just water to wash areas reacting with tear gas, it only will do it worst!

I hope this helps

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RandomSkulldozer In reply to AriCaFoix [2016-02-13 16:10:57 +0000 UTC]

Alright, thanks for telling me, it helped indeed. I once inhaled some ammonia vapor, had a headache for the rest of the day. I'm glad you take the time to help people, instead of only taking pictures. I like your work and I'm impressed and glad that you take the risk of being attacked to show the world what's happening.

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DindellaTheDefender In reply to AriCaFoix [2014-05-22 03:48:21 +0000 UTC]

I'm just being a little over-sensitive to it right now, since some bad things have happened to relatives and some friends of mine in the past (some more recent), because those who were there to help did not do anything. And I know, personally, the pain the lack of action on someone's part can cause and it angers me. Your explanation make a lot of sense and I do apologize for jumping to conclusions.

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LuxXeon In reply to AriCaFoix [2014-05-22 02:09:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for explaining your position, and the reason behind the image.  I too was thinking the same as the original post, but now, after reading your response, have a much better understanding of what went on behind this powerful photograph.  Well deserving of the DD, and congratulations.  Very powerful, raw, and emotional image.

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Ailiuridae In reply to DindellaTheDefender [2014-05-22 00:30:47 +0000 UTC]

Same reason photographers film animals in the wild rather than trying to save the running prey.

Left wing radicals are savage unthinking creatures.

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DindellaTheDefender In reply to Ailiuridae [2014-05-22 00:57:49 +0000 UTC]

It's not the same as an animal in the wild, though. It's another human being getting hurt. I understand the reasonings behind it--motivation, publicity, ect--but if you take photos to try and get people to step up for some reason or another, if it's something you feel strongly about, but you yourself don't do it and just stand by and watch. . . Isn't that hypocritical? Or just standing by and taking a photo just to get a lot of love on the internet or wherever from someone else's pain? I'm not standing here saying I don't understand why photographers and news reporters exist, I'm standing here saying it's painful that someone could watch this and not try to stop it. That someone could stand there and take a photo of it, thinking of how great a photo it would make rather then thinking about the person involved and how they're hurting.

And while I'm not entirely saying that's what this person did. Mind you, they could've taken this photo because they felt it's all they could do. I'm just saying that taking this photo isn't going to accomplish the goal that they were aiming to accomplish. I don't know, really, maybe it will. It's the whole point of media, but I still feel bothered and pained by it.

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Ailiuridae In reply to DindellaTheDefender [2014-05-22 02:08:18 +0000 UTC]

Sometimes recording an incident is just as important as intervening.
It can save lives long after the incident.

It is a tricky argument, but rabid radicals have a hair-trigger temperament.
It takes a lot of courage.

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DindellaTheDefender In reply to Ailiuridae [2014-05-22 03:45:55 +0000 UTC]

Yes it would and I'm not arguing with that. I'm just being a little over-sensitive to it right now, since some bad things have happened to relatives and some friends of mine in the past (some more recent) because those who were there to help did not. And I know, personally, the pain the lack of action on someone's part can cause and it angers me.

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SpongeMuffin In reply to Ailiuridae [2014-05-22 00:35:31 +0000 UTC]

You were going good until you turned your comment into an attack on a class of people different than you.

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Ailiuridae In reply to SpongeMuffin [2014-05-22 02:06:12 +0000 UTC]

Left wing radicals such as these are not a class.
They're subhuman scum.

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Campion1 In reply to SpongeMuffin [2014-05-22 01:29:29 +0000 UTC]

All credibility. Gone.

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556NatoCartridge [2014-05-21 23:40:26 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful photo! Often times the police aren't portrayed as vulnerable, but I like how here he's a person and he's just as frightened and confused as everyone else.

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AriCaFoix In reply to 556NatoCartridge [2014-05-22 01:46:57 +0000 UTC]

That's right. It's sad when you realize that all this people, demonstrators and police (if we simplify it to two groups) are affected by the same problems, maybe they come from the same social class or something... but they are (put?) on opposite sides.
People against people.
While those that have the power to make some changes, to make these things to stop, is almost unaffected.

The problem is when the police use excessive violence, exceed what they are allowed to do, hurt people, even kill some, and they are never brought to justice.
There are so many violations of human rights and pending cases from the years dictatorship that are still not treated in this country... =/

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HeatherMairiPhoto In reply to AriCaFoix [2014-05-22 02:41:43 +0000 UTC]

What's even worse is when you have those on the police force who are there because they believe in their job and follow the rules and they get thrown into the same clump as those who abuse the privilege of wearing a badge simply because someone has a different belief from them.

Fantastic photograph, by the way.

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AriCaFoix In reply to HeatherMairiPhoto [2014-05-22 03:02:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes! It makes me feel sorry for those that believe in what they are doing, those who really care about people, the honest ones... I know that, as many demonstrators, some policemen are asking the same thing. "Why does it have to be like this?" "This isn't necessary" "I don't want to be here"

Thanks for your commentary!

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HeatherMairiPhoto In reply to AriCaFoix [2014-05-22 03:12:10 +0000 UTC]

No problem. I'm an Army brat and I also have a lot of family members who are police officers and even in the States they still struggle with the corruption. It's nowhere near the level of what you guys deal with on a daily basis, but it's just as heartbreaking. Even the city I live in the corruption runs rampant and the government wonders why no one takes us seriously anymore.

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cagatintas [2014-05-21 22:55:53 +0000 UTC]

pobre perrito apaleado :3

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Heartfall [2014-05-21 22:41:53 +0000 UTC]

Ifeeldepressed (it's a great photo though) poor guy.... 

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Shyne-3 [2014-05-21 20:42:16 +0000 UTC]

wow,what an image!

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J-Henrique-S [2014-05-21 20:17:58 +0000 UTC]

Isso acontece o tempo todo por aqui... é triste.

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AriCaFoix In reply to J-Henrique-S [2014-05-22 01:03:29 +0000 UTC]

Isto ocorre em todo o mundo =/

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J-Henrique-S In reply to AriCaFoix [2014-05-22 03:01:13 +0000 UTC]

É verdade

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Contraltissimo [2014-05-21 20:16:33 +0000 UTC]


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Vaxes In reply to Contraltissimo [2014-05-22 05:42:45 +0000 UTC]

My thoughts exactly. 

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kwinzilla [2014-05-21 20:08:58 +0000 UTC]

Great shot

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AntonVolkov [2014-05-21 19:18:51 +0000 UTC]

Vivid image

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xplotter [2014-05-21 18:13:57 +0000 UTC]

Esto pasa cuando ponen a pelear pobre contra pobre mientras los oligarcas se regocijan y masturban desde lo alto de sus edificios e intocables puestos de poder, algún día serán ellos quienes muerdan el polvo. ?

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EmperorPnoy [2014-05-21 15:59:02 +0000 UTC]

Took it perfectly. Nice one

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MARX77 [2014-05-21 15:54:35 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations, my friend!

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AriCaFoix In reply to MARX77 [2014-05-21 17:26:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, Mr Marx77

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robson666 [2014-05-21 12:28:57 +0000 UTC]

congratulations to the well deserved Daily Deviation

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thepolishgirl [2014-05-21 11:00:20 +0000 UTC]

Que trabajo ingrato... pero necesario :/ 

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Shidaku [2014-05-21 10:12:43 +0000 UTC]

Very poignant image, it's not often you see these sorts of reversed situations in the media.

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